Credit Reports Bureau - Kenya

# Introduction

This is a modern, integrated credit bureau database in Kenya. We fetch information from:

  1. Metropol
  2. TransUnion

Frm capabilities are still in development but what's available right now is:

  1. Metropol

# Request Parameters

The following parameters are expected:

Field Description Type
report_type This is the search parameter. E.g. ID Number String
identity_number This is the search parameter. E.g. ID Number String
score_type This is the search parameter. E.g. ID Number String

Please find sample implementation on the left

# Response Parameters

Below is a sample response

'search_type' is identity and identifier is the client's ID Number

Search details on a customer's identity using their ID Number. As sample response is as follows:

  "code": "200.001",
  "data": {
    "id_number": "12345678",
    "surname": "Surname",
    "first_name": "FirstName",
    "other_name": "OtherName   ",
    "gender": "F",
    "date_of_birth": "1990-01-29T00:00:00",
    "citizenship": "Kenyan",
    "clan": "",
    "ethnic_group": "",
    "family": "",
    "serial_number": "123456789",
    "place_of_birth": "Nairobi",
    "place_of_live": "SOME PRIMARY SCHOOL"

Identity Check Fields

Field Description Type
code response field String
message Description for the call results especially during a failure String
data Object with the call results String
data.id_number Client's ID Number String
data.surname Client's surname String
data.first_name Client's first name String
data.other_name Client's other name String
data.gender Client's gender String
data.date_of_birth Client's date of birth String
data.citizenship Client's citizenship e.g. Kenyan String
data.clan Client's tribal clan String
data.ethnic_group Client's ethnic group String Client's family name String
data.serial_number Client's ID Card serial number String
data.place_of_birth Client's place of birth String
data.place_of_live Client's place of residence String

Table on Fields

# KRA Pin Verification

'search_type' is kra and identifier is the client's KRA PIN

Verify a customer's KRA Pin Number. A sample response is as follows:

  "id_number": "17302047",
  "krapin": "A003922990S"

KRA Pin Verification Fields

Field Description Type
code response field String
message Description for the call results especially during a failure String
data Object with the call results String
data.id_number Client's ID Number String
data.krapin Client's KRA Pin String

# Identity and KRA Pin Consolidated

'search_type' is conso and identifier is the client's ID Number

Search details on a customer's identity using their ID Number and have the KRA PIN included

A sample response is as follows:

  "id_number": "12345678",
  "surname": "Surname",
  "first_name": "FirstName",
  "other_name": "OtherName   ",
  "gender": "F",
  "date_of_birth": "1990-01-29T00:00:00",
  "citizenship": "Kenyan",
  "clan": "",
  "ethnic_group": "",
  "family": "",
  "serial_number": "123456789",
  "place_of_birth": "Nairobi",
  "place_of_live": "SOME PRIMARY SCHOOL",
  "krapin": "A001744194D"

Identity and KRA Pin Consolidated Fields

Field Description Type
code response field String
message Description for the call results especially during a failure String
data Object with the call results String
data.id_number Client's ID Number String
data.surname Client's surname String
data.first_name Client's first name String
data.other_name Client's other name String
data.gender Client's gender String
data.date_of_birth Client's date of birth String
data.citizenship Client's citizenship e.g. Kenyan String
data.clan Client's tribal clan String
data.ethnic_group Client's ethnic group String Client's family name String
data.serial_number Client's ID Card serial number String
data.place_of_birth Client's place of birth String
data.place_of_live Client's place of residence String
data.krapin Client's KRA Pin String