Analysis Webhook / Receiver

# Configuration

To have the webhook configured, kindly send an email to OR log into the system and go to Settings Menu. When sending an email, please specify the following:

  1. Webhook URL
  2. Submission Type
  3. Security Details

# Security

To ensure security, we recommend that the webhook requires authentication. Supported authentication method is Basic Auth. To have this enabled, kindly send the username and password together with the webhook url.

# Submission Types

There are several submission types supported, these include:

  • Full Analysis JSON
  • Scores
  • Full Scores PDF

API format

This is the data format submitted to third-party endpoint

"file_unique_id": Document Identifier. Helps detect duplicate data,
"file_type": Document Type (Bank or MPESA),
"phone": Phone number if Document is MPESA,
"id_number": ID No if Document is MPESA,
"bank_name": Bank Name if Document is Bank,
"account_number": Account No if Document is Bank,
"duration": Duration of the statement in Months,
"json_data": DATA as shown in “JSON Data Format”,
"timestamp": Date when the document was received,
"state_name": Document Processing Status

The json body above is the content you will receive as body content from the request coming from us.